
Showing posts from May, 2022

What is philosophy?

I get asked this question probably the most by the average person. By average person I do not mean to divide groups of people into high, average, and low populations, I just mean more often than not when the topic of philosophy comes up, this question is not too far behind from people I meet.  Philosophy is the study of being .  There you have it! That is as far as I can tell the fewest words in the universe, (or at least an internet search), that answers the question, "What is philosophy?"        If you are still curious, let me guide you and do some philosophy together with the goal of a better understanding what philosophy is by doing it.       The inevitable second question is, "what does the study of being mean?" Here is where the study of philosophy comes in, in that we examine the thing we are talking about. As Socrates pointed out during his bogus trial for "crimes" at Athens, "The unexamined life is not worth living." My response to wha